Regular usage of dental floss removes plaque, prevents build up of plaque which can lead to tartar. The simple use of floss can make the teeth look and feel cleaner and help to reach and remove what your toothbrush can’t. How Does Flossing Help? While a brushing twice daily hygiene routine is great, brushing alone […]
Wanting to improve your smile is simple with dental veneers. Veneers are a less intrusive option then crowns and braces and look natural. They are a thin porcelain covering placed over the front part of the tooth. Veneers can be used for a variety of dental concerns: Porcelain Veneers A porcelain veneer is a thin […]
Approximately 49,750 people in the U.S. will be newly diagnosed with oral cancer each year. That’s a huge number, which breaks down to 132 people everyday and every hour one will die from it. Some say, “well I don’t smoke or use tobacco,” while this a major risk factor it is not the only cause. […]
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